Welcome to Year 1 & 2
Updated 5.9.24
Welcome to our mixed Year 1&2! This page will provide some information about our Key Stage 1, including classes, staffing, routines, the curriculum and some additional links to helpful resources.
If you have any questions or would just like to speak to a member of the team about another matter then please contact to school office (via phone or email). We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. We are extremely keen to keep an open and supportive dialogue between home and school.
As usual, any urgent information will generally be sent out via the school app or email.
Year 2 Staff
1/2 MW Apple Class: Teachers - Miss Morton (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) and Miss Wilkinson (Fri)
1/2BW Maple Class: Teacher - Miss Beadnell (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Miss Wilkinson (Wed)
1/2CW Holly Class: Teachers - Mrs Willson (Mon, Tues, Wed) and Mrs Cunningham (Thurs, Fri)
Teaching assistants working with children across the classes: Mrs Wallace, Mrs Rudd, Mrs Collins, Mrs Guest, Mrs Steeper & Mrs Hare
Year 1&2 Curriculum
Our first topic is 'York, Glorious York!'. We are very excited to be learning all about York and its history as a sweet and chocolate city. We will be learning about the Terry and Rowntree families as well as creating our own sweet treats.
Please find more information about our curriculum via the PDF below.
york glorious york topic web autumn 24 1 .pdf
Although lots of subjects will be taught in our classes, core subjects - reading, writing, phonics and maths - will be split and taught in year group sessions instead.
Useful Information and our Routines
Please ensure that your child’s uniform, coat, bookbag, pack up and water bottle are clearly labelled. We will not be able to hold onto lost property anymore. They do not require any other items to be brought into school unless otherwise agreed.
Children will be given at least one banded reading books or reading activity a week to take home. These books will be changed when they come to read with their teacher. Please keep the books in bookbags and bring them to school everyday in case we want to do any extra reading in school and so that they are always there when it's time to swap them.
Please watch this useful video entitled - Why only one book? - Book Bags - please ensure your child only brings a bookbag to school and that these only continue books as they will be kept in their own drawers. So please, where possible, use only bookbags to transfer the reading books and diaries - instead of rucksacks due to our limited storage space.
Reading diaries will be used to record the reading books and activities. We will write in a comment when your child has read in school. Please use the diaries to record how your child has managed with their reading book at home and sign to say that they have read the book at home. Please be aware though that the reading diaries will only be checked on the days when your child has their guided reading sessions so please don't put urgent messages in them, instead phone or email the office and they will pass any messages along.
Named water bottles should be in school daily and must be taken home every day for washing and refilling.
PE will to be on Tuesdays and Fridays this term so children are to come into school in their full PE kit on these days only. Please also ensure that long hair is tied up and earrings are either removed or covered up on PE days as we will not be able to help children with this.
Forest Schools kits will be required in school everyday including wellies. Please ensure that the kit is named. Our forest school day is every other Friday afternoon.
Please note we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so children cannot bring any nut products to school in their packed lunches. We appreciate your co-operation with this.
- The children continue to get a free piece of fruit for snack everyday. No other snacks are required but your child may bring their own piece of fruit/healthy snack if they wish (no cakes or chocolate biscuits please.)
- Please ensure your child has a coat in school everyday. We try to go outside to play most of the time, even if it is raining.
Additional Learning Resources
The children are enjoying getting their certificates for their hard work on Numbots. Keep practising to become fluent with these key maths skills. The Year 2s can use their numbots log in to access Times Table Rockstars to practise their times tables also.
Here are the links:
Letter Join is the website you can login to support your child with cursive handwriting. Please see this school login document with our username and password and this additional information leaflet for more details.
Below are some additional links to resources that you might find useful to support your child with their learning at home:
Maths websites